Richard L. Benkin, Ph.D. Also on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
Current Experience
Independent Human Rights Activist
Expert legal witness regarding South Asia, and its peoples, and asylum requests.
Freelance Writer and Speaker
Frequent contributor to journals and newspapers worldwide, print and online.
Frequent radio guest in the United States, Canada, India, and Israel.
Co-Founder & President, Forcefield, NFP
Founder, Interfaith Strength
Provides information and or testimony to the governments of India and the United States.
Regular expert contributor to India’s most watched news networks (online and broadcast): NDTV, Times Now, ET Now.
Business and Academic Experience
January 2020: Residency Northeast India Company, Silchar, Assam
2001-2018: Vice President; Gallagher Bassett Services, Itasca, IL
1987-2000: Consultant; Owner/Operator of health care facilities.
1980-1994: College Lecturer
1980-1987: Community Activist; Manager, Professional Health Care
1974-1980: Assistant Professor/Faculty at various American universities, including DePaul University, Roosevelt University, Camden County College; University of Pennsylvania (as a graduate student)
2005--current : Guest lecturer on human rights and geopolitics at University of Lucknow; Delhi University; Jawaharlal Nehru University (Delhi); American University (Washington, DC); Gautam Buddha University (Greater Noida); Osmania University (Hyderabad); Andhra Vidyalaya College and Post Graduate Center (Hyderabad); Dhaka University; Assam University; Netaji Subhash Mahavidyalaya (Tripura); Bidhan Chandra College (West Bengal); K D College of Commerce & General Studies (West Bengal). In 2024, by invitation, gave address to students and faculty at four West Bengal colleges, including near the border with Bangladesh: Hiralal Mazumder Memorial College for Women; Netaji Satabarshiki Mahavidyalaya; Mrinalini Datta Mahavidypith; Bidhan Chandra College.
Board Positions, Memberships, etc.
Special Advisor to America Resurgent (formerly The Intelligence Summit) on Bangladeshi Affairs
Member Islam-Israel Fellowship Council
Advisory Board Member Bangladesh Minority Lawyers Association
Member, South Asia Forum
Member, StandWithUs Chicago Advisory Board
International Advisor, Bangladesh Jatiya Hindu Mohajote (Bangladesh National Hindu Grand Alliance)
International Ambassador, Bangladesh International Mediation Society
Board Member and Head of Candidate Research Committee, To Protect Our Heritage PAC
Editorial Board, Index Centre for Research Journals
Board Member, Foreign Policy School of the Foreign Policy Research Centre, New Delhi, India
Selected Publications
The Social and Cultural Development of Jewish Communities in Eastern Europe, 1976 Doctoral Dissertation, University of Michigan Press
Sociology: A Way of Seeing, 1980, Wadsworth Publishing Company
The Battle Beneath Jerusalem, 2009, Dhaka Press
A Quiet Case of Ethnic Cleansing: the Murder of Bangladesh’s Hindus, 2012; Akshaya Prakasahan (currently being translated into Hindi and other languages of South Asia)
"Ethnic Cleansing: The Neglected Case of the Hindus of Bangladesh", State, Society, and Minorities in South and Southeast Asia, edited by Sunil Kukreja, 2015; Lexington Books
What is Moderate Islam (editor and contributor), 2017, Lexington Books
“Deadly Persecution: Minorities in Pakistan and Bangladesh and Minorities in India,” in Human Security in Asia - Interrogating State, Society, and Policy, edited by Debasish Nandy and Debtanu Majee, Palgrave Macmillan: Singapore, 2024.
Selected Accomplishments
Fought for and secured the release of pro-Israel Muslim journalist imprisoned and tortured in Bangladesh, and prevented several attempts at re-incarceration.
Secured safe release of innocents from Bangladesh’s notorious Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), whose detainees tend to “disappear.”
Stopped anti-Israel conference at an official Australian building.
Helped secure permanent bail for writer charged with “blasphemy.” (Currently working to have charges dropped.)
Instrumental in securing 2015 & 2018 US Congressional hearings on persecution of Bangladesh’s Hindus.
Provided the evidence that led Congressman Robert Dold to be the first person to address the ethnic cleansing of Bangladesh’s Hindus from the floor of the United States Congress.
In a meeting with the US Congress, got the Bangladeshi government to admit its complicity in the persecution of Hindus.
Organized joint efforts among Baloch, Pashtun, and Sindhi for self-determination and stopping their persecution.
Placing persecution of Bangladeshi Hindus and freedom for Pashtun and others in Pakistan on US government radar.
Keynote speaker at think tank, Debt Trap Diplomacy & Regional Threat, Dhaka, April 2019.
Worked with Hindu and Jewish communities to defeat anti-India resolution in Chicago City Council, February 2021.
Provided Senate Committee on Foreign Relations information on Bangladesh for ambassadorial confirmation hearings, 2021.
Founded South Asia Working Group of quasi governmental International Religious Freedom Roundtable, 2021.
Led panel of experts on Bangladesh as part of International Religious Freedom Summit, Washington, DC, 2021.
Working with multiple countries since 2021 to help former US allies and others escape the Taliban and Afghanistan.
Helping to secure and save Afghan women’s rights activists.
Selected Recognition
Special US Congressional Recognition, 2005
Honoree and Speaker Bangladesh Minorities Lawyers Association, Supreme Court Building, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 2007
Special Recognition 2007, Bangladesh Editors Forum
Special Recognition 2007, Bangladesh Minority Lawyers Association
Delivered annual Arvind Ghosh Memorial Lecture, Suburban Chicago, 2008
Featured Speaker, "Jewish Response to Jihad: What India can Learn," Supreme Court Building, New Delhi, India, March 2009
Recognized for "Significant Contributions to Community Service" by Telugu Association of North America, July 2009 & 2011
Recipient, Vishwa Hindu Ratna (World's Jewel of Hinduism Award), 2010
Keynote Speaker, Third Anniversary rally of Hindu Samhati, Kolkata, February 14, 2011 (Addressed subsequent Hindu Samhati rallies in Kolkata 2013 and 2015; with audiences in excess of 30,000.)
Addressed Hindu Mahasabha, Houston, TX 2012 & 2016.
Addressed Human Rights Center for Bangladesh, Dallas, TX, 2013
Addressed Americans for Free Speech, University of Pennsylvania, Phila., March 23, 2013
Addressed Bharatiya Vichar Manch, Jagriti, and Kashmiri Pandits, Cerritos, CA, July 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Received Proclamation by Mount Prospect, IL, recognizing persecution of Bangladeshi Hindus, 1 October 2013
Addressed Hindu Unity Conference, Bensenville, IL, 2015
Addressed Hindu Jewish Alliance, Bensenville, IL, 2015
Received Hindu Bandu Award from Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, 2015
Exclusive guest on NPR’s “Common Threads” for two weeks, November 2016
Keynote speaker “Baluchistan Geo-Politics and Identity,” Bangkok, 2016.
Addressed Afghan/Pashtun gathering, London, 2017
Addressed World Sindhi Congress, London, 2017
Addressed World Hindu Federation, Varanaisi, 2017
Organized and led "Getting to Know You," a meeting of StandWithUs, Baloch, Pashtuns, Sindhi, London, 2018
Addressed numerous university and organizational webinars during COVID-19 pandemic, 2020
Professor Ved P. Nanda Fellowship Program in Human Rights lecturer, May 27, 2022.
Key Speaker, Pashtun Security Dialogue, September 28, 2024.
Quarterly contributor to India’s Foreign Policy Research Centre journal.
Asked to participate as Bangladesh and South Asia expert by NDTV, India’s most watched news network on and off line.
For a more comprehensive list of publications and addresses, visit
Received my B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, attending the Wharton School, College of Arts and Sciences, and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences